Get HSV values of the color
Get RGB values of the color
Create a new color from HSL representation
Hue, in the set [0, 360]
Saturation, in the set [0, 100]
Lightness, in the set [0, 100]
Set color values by HSV representation
Hue, in the set [0, 360]
Saturation, in the set [0, 100]
Value, in the set [0, 100]
Set color values by Hexadecimal
Hexadecimal number
Set color values by RGB representation
Red, in the set [0, 255]
Green, in the set [0, 255]
Blue, in the set [0, 255]
To a HSL function string
To a HSLA function string
To a Hexadecimal string
Show alpha
To a RGB function string
Represent in percentage or not
To a RGBA function string
Represent in percentage or not
To a Tuple (Array)
Show alpha
Create a new color from HSL representation
Hue, in the set [0, 360]
Saturation, in the set [0, 100]
Lightness, in the set [0, 100]
Create a new color from HSV representation
Hue, in the set [0, 360]
Saturation, in the set [0, 100]
Value, in the set [0, 100]
Create a new color from Hexadecimal
Hexadecimal number
Generated using TypeDoc
Get HSL values of the color